Touching Lives: Mercedes

(Originally posted December 9, 2018) 

Who is Mercedes?

Mercedes is Pastora Ana’s sister. She lives in the countryside in a town called Guananico with her husband, son, and two daughters. 

broken image

(Left, Mercedes. Right, Ana.)

How has the ministry impacted her life?

Introduced to me as “Aunt Merso,” she has been a sweet addition to my Dominican life - and it was an honor for me to make myself available to her in a ministerial capacity when she went through a medical crisis this year. (2018)

With pains so strong that she was unable to continue her work in the church and unable to accomplish everyday tasks in her home - we made regular trips to make doctor’s appointments in the big city (2 hours from her home) until we received a diagnosis.

Many Dominicans are terrified of the idea of surgery, so when they said she would need an operation for the 4 hernias in her back, there was a resounding, “No!” She was given a physical therapy regimen, but due to the cost of travel and the therapy, she was unable to continue after a few weeks.

Our friendship continues to grow throughout our visits and coffee sharing, and we continue praying for healing for Mercedes.

Pray for Mercedes:

1.) Ask the Lord for her pain to subside or for her to accept the need for surgery. She will also need God to provide financially if they choose to have the operation.

2.) Pray for her ministry. She and her husband pastor a small Free Methodist Church in Guananico.

3.) Pray for her family - that they would continue to grow in love, wisdom, and grace - unified not just by family bloodlines, but by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.