Touching Lives: Carlos

(Originally posted November 25, 2018)

Who is Carlos?

Carlos is a little boy that I met in the school ministry where I volunteered for the first three months of my ministry in the Dominican Republic. He created one of the most impactful moments of my ministry.

broken image

How has the ministry impacted his life?

One night - early on in my time living here - I went to a night gathering in front of a small wooden shack. As we began to sing, this little boy ran up the dusty road to where I sat and hugged me over and over again. For a little while, he stood with his arm around my neck until the preacher began to speak about the love of God. Carlos sat on my lap as he listened, and after a few minutes, he asked me the question that made me do a double-take.

“Tia, (Aunt), what does love mean?”

I had to ask him the question back to verify that I had heard him correctly.

“Si, Tia, (Yes, Aunt), what is love?”

I had never had to answer that question before.

Later I learned that his mother beat him and threw him in a river before the night that he was sitting in my lap. Now the child was asking, “What is love?”

Carlos is a picture of the need that is rampant in the Dominican. “What is love?”

I live to tell them. His name is Jesus.

Pray for Carlos:

     1.) That Carlos would be able to understand WHO is love and that even though he hasn’t had true love demonstrated to him by his own family, that he would receive a supernatural understanding of God’s love for him that will free him from the damage done to him by people.

     2.) That he would grow up being successful in school despite of his lack of support in his young life.

     3.) That God will grow him into a young man, a mighty witness, bold to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, using his testimony to give hope to the people all throughout his life.