Blind Trust

(Originally posted on January 28, 2019)

In November of last year (2018) Pastora Ana and I made some sweet memories as we walked some Mississippi soil and spent some time with many of you - over lunch, sharing coffee, sitting in your home eating dinner together, testifying in your churches and speaking in your schools. In the midst of all of that, there was one unique encounter that we shared with a cousin of mine that I will not forget. 

broken image

We were standing next to my cousin's horse trailer, meeting her two sweet horse babies - and as we were petting the one she would race, she tells us that he is half blind. I translated what she said to Ana and she and I were in shock. I asked, "How do you barrel race on a half blind horse?!" She immediately said, "He trusts me."

That struck me hard in that moment and I haven't forgotten it since.

That horse was able to accomplish a task that perhaps seemed impossible because He trusted his rider.

How often do we find ourselves in a spiritual paralysis, unable to complete a task that God has given us because we insist on being able to see the whole picture or understand the "how, what, where, why, and when?" So often God only gives us a task - many times we will not know all the details, therefore we will only see in part. As if we were half-blind. Do we trust God the way that horse trusted his rider?

Why would God only show us in part what His plans are and give us the chance to join in half-blind instead of letting us see the whole picture before extending the invitation to join in on what He is doing? There are a few things that I have observed and perhaps others that I may not have the space to add here today in this blog post.

1.) If God showed you everything He is planning all at the beginning, you would be scared to death and you would never take the first step. He shows us bits at a time to allow time for growth along the way. He doesn't give everything you will need for the task all at once. He gives you enough for each moment, and as you grow, your capacity to receive more from Him and your faith will increase. As this happens, the way you are able to carry out your assigned tasks will increase in effectiveness, purpose, and you will find that you are able to do far more than you were able to at the beginning of the journey. (Of course, not in your own strength - but in the power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. If you are a Christian, this power lives on the inside of you and empowers you to live the supernatural life that you read about in the scriptures.)

2.) If God showed you everything, you would try to figure everything out with your own intellect, and you would not be put in a position to trust Him. No more explanation needed.

3.) If God showed you everything, God's glory wouldn't shine quite so brightly through your life. So often, (more often than not) God hides things and only shows in part what He is planning, so that when everything appears impossible in your situation, He can move in a miraculous way in His perfect timing - therefore putting His glory on display in a supernatural way that leave everyone in your life affected and changed. Think Gideon and his 300 man army who won their battle without even lifting one sword. (Judges 6)

God, help us to trust you more. Increase our faith. Help us to be content with being half-blind sometimes. Let it not be something that paralyzes us, but instead, something that excites us. When we can't see, You are always working and we can trust that in Your perfect timing, we will see Your miraculous glory on display. You are so good and faithful.